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7 August 2014: The Blaze   Glenn Beck today warned Americans to be extremely cautious of new legislation which would prevent American companies from moving their outside of the United States. He describes the proposed creation of a '“virtual Berlin Wall” in an effort to thwart corporate inversions (i.e. when companies that conduct at least 20% of their business overseas incorporate in another country to avoid the U.S. tax burden.' He warned against 'corporate “loyalty oaths,”' a concept advocated by Jonathan Alter at the Daily Beast.

Alter's Monday article states that, 'because “unpatriotic” companies like Walgreens are relocating outside of the United States in record numbers to avoid high taxes, it's time to think “creatively” of a way to force them to remain.' He proposes legislation to 'force companies to sign “non-desertion agreements.”'

“[President Obama] should issue an executive order that says any company that wants to keep its federal contracts must sign a new-fangled NDA…” Alter wrote. “But other companies with few or no federal contracts might be tempted to desert anyway. That’s where the rest of us come in.”

“Under my scheme,” Alter continued, “companies that sign non-desertion agreements would embed a tiny American flag or some other Good Housekeeping-type seal in their corporate insignia for all to see, just as companies during the Great Depression that agreed to Franklin Roosevelt’s recovery plan hung an emblem of a blue eagle in their windows…”


Want to hit back at corporate tax dodgers? Boycott these companies and support the No Federal Contracts for Corporate Deserters Act and the Stop Corporate Inversions Act of 2014.

Image by Occupy Democrats.

CURATOR: chairman of the board. How’d you like to pay 94% of your income to the federal government? I don’t care how rich one is. That is criminal. (Even if no one really paid 94%.) Believe it or not, this pretty good data comes from I think they were trying to make a...

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